Pico de Gallo


°6 tomatoes
°3 jalapeños 
°1 medium white onion
°1/2 medium red onion
°1 c cilantro
°5 garlic clove
°3 lemon juice
°1 tsp cumin
°1 tsp sea salt )
°1 tsp hot pepper powder

* Methods :

 1 c (2-3 ear) grill/fried corn. If you're fry in a pan, try add 3 tsp pineapple juice and 2 tsp of extra virgin olive oil.Since you use the pots now, I will probably add garlic, salt, half of the coriander, cumin and books pound powder.Sweeten  pineapple, mango, peach, etc. with a few fruit cubes of your choice.

Enjoy !