15+ Awesome And Unexpected Uses For Liquid Dish Soap1

 Liquid dish soap can do so much more than just clean the dishes! You probably know that animal rescue organizations use Dawn dish soap to remove dangerous oils from animals. 

1. Unpack the toilet

Dawn's dish soap will loosen up oils and other solutions that cause clogging. Just spray a little dish soap into the toilet bowl, pour some warm water, and then dip or siphon.

2. Kills fleas

If you suspect your furry friend has fleas, take a shower with lukewarm water and Dawn dish soap!

3. Houseplant protection

To protect your houseplants from insects, add a drop of dish soap and water to a spray bottle. Spray the plants with the solution.

4. Keep painting brushes

Once your paintbrushes are clean and rinsed, apply a small amount of dish soap to the bristles. It will keep it moist and prevent it from cracking.

5. Skin smoothing

To soften excess skin without paying for an expensive manicure, soak your fingers in warm water with a few drops of dish soap.

6. Remove clothes stains

Mix 2 tablespoons of dish soap, 2 tablespoons of distilled vinegar, and 2 cups of warm water. Apply the solution to the stain, leave it for 20 minutes, and then wash it as usual.

7. Strict detailed silence

To silence a squeaky door hinge, apply some dish soap to the hinge.

8. Clean makeup sponges

To clean makeup brushes and sponges, wash them in warm water and dish soap before rinsing them well.

9. Remove chewing gum from hair

If gum gets stuck in your hair, don't panic! Put a little dish soap on the gum and wait until it begins to break down the piece.

10. Moldable ice tray

To make an ice pack that doesn't freeze completely, mix equal amounts of dish soap and water together. Putting solution in a Ziploc bag & stick it in freezer.

11. Cleaning brushes and comb

Everyone should clean their brushes and combs from time to time. To clean them and break down any oils, soak brushes and combs in a mixture of warm water, liquid dish soap, and borax.

12. Defog glasses

To prevent glasses from fogging, mix some water, rubbing alcohol, and dish soap. Spray the mixture on the lenses before wiping them with a soft cloth.

13. Grease stain removal

If you have grease or oil stains on your driveway, pour a generous amount of dish soap onto the stain. Use a brush to scrub the stains before rinsing them with water.

14. Grease removal tools

To degrease and clean your tools, soak them in warm water with a few drops of dish soap before wiping them dry.

15. Cut hair color

If you have dyed your hair and the color is darker than you'd like, wash your hair with a few drops of dish soap to remove the color a bit.

16. Preventing the spread of poison ivy

Poison ivy rash can spread very quickly. To prevent the rash from spreading, wash the affected area with lukewarm water and dish soap. Plate soap will break down oils & secure them from spread .