Are You Kidding Me Cake



I've named this cake aptly because that's what people say when they order the recipe. I own an Amish girl friend Named Sara . She give me this recipe one day & I couldn't trust it at first. I thought she surely forgot an item or two.


But it didn't. This is a good, moist cake. There is no require for icing so it makes a lovely dinner dessert.


* Ingredients :


° 1 box cake mix (flavor of your choice, we used yellow cake batter)

° 1 pancake box (flavor of your choice, we used strawberry)

° 3 large eggs


* Instructions :


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Add all of the ingredients together in a mixing bowl, and beat until completely blended.

Spread the mixture in an even layer on the bottom of a well-greased 9x13 baking dish.

Bake for 35-45 minutes until browned and fully cooked.


Enjoy !